Life's stocktake


The hardest days & weeks in life; the ones that kick you in the guts, spit you in the face and shout you down when you stumble to your feet… are necessary.

Beauty exposed

Beauty exposed

These days, weeks & months of chaos and fear are the ones that bring you out the other side with strengthened human values and bonds that last longer, and bind stronger than those that have been built over the many years prior. They are the days that are necessary to build strength, to build purpose, and to allow you to feel happiness with what you have rather than unhappiness with what you don’t.

Potentially perfect

Potentially perfect

It is in these days, in these moments we are able to capitulate the unimportant; and..


And appreciate.

And realise that everyday is a gift, a present…

The beginning of something beautiful

The beginning of something beautiful

And tomorrow is an opportunity.